Implant Dentistry

Renew & improve your smile.

Dr. Adrian Gonzalez. Nuvo Dental Arts. Clear Aligners (Sure Smile and Inivsalign), Same Day Dentistry (Crowns and Bridges), Emergency Dentistry, Dental Implants, Dentures, Family Dental, Cosmetic Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry, General, Cosmetic, Restorative, and Emergency Dentistry. Dentist in Miami, FL 331333

Implant Dentistry

Natural Feeling & Function

Sometimes, people lose teeth over the years or have ones that are no longer restorable. Replacing missing teeth is as important as restoring existing ones. At Nuvo Dental Arts, we place our own implants, allowing you to have teeth again in a manner that is closest to your original teeth. Implant-supported crowns look, feel, and function just like natural teeth, additionally enabling patients to enjoy all kinds of foods. Teeth also support the face and lips, as well as allowing normal speech.

Fixed restorations held in place by cement or tiny screws so you don’t have to remove them, becoming a part of you after a few days.

Allow us to restore your beautiful smile!